Residential Tenancy Agreement Ontario Fillable 2019

As a resident of Ontario, you may be wondering how to properly fill out a residential tenancy agreement. This document is crucial for both landlords and tenants to protect their respective interests and outline the terms of their lease agreement. In 2019, the Ontario government released a new version of the residential tenancy agreement that is fillable online. In this article, we will walk you through how to properly fill out this document.

Before we begin, it`s important to note that the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act outlines specific rules and regulations that must be followed in all tenancy agreements. These rules are in place to protect both the landlord and the tenant and ensure that the agreement is fair and equitable for both parties. It`s important to review the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act before filling out your tenancy agreement.

Now, let`s get started with filling out the residential tenancy agreement Ontario fillable 2019 form.

1. Start by downloading the form from the Ontario government`s website. You can find it under the “Forms” section of the Residential Tenancies Act page.

2. Open the document in Adobe Reader or another compatible PDF viewer. You may not be able to properly fill out the form in a web browser.

3. The first section of the form is “Landlord and Tenant Information”. Fill in your personal information as required, including your name, address, and contact information.

4. The next section is “Rental Unit Information”. Here, you`ll need to provide specific details about the unit you are renting. This includes the address, the type of unit (e.g. apartment, house), and the number of bedrooms.

5. The third section is “Term of Tenancy”. This is where you`ll indicate the length of your lease agreement. Make sure to accurately specify the start and end dates of the lease.

6. The fourth section is “Rent”. You`ll need to specify the amount of rent you`ll be paying each month, as well as any additional fees such as parking or utilities.

7. The next section is “Payment of Rent”. Here, you`ll need to outline how you`ll be paying your rent (e.g. cheque, e-transfer) and when it`s due each month.

8. Section six is “Deposit”. If your landlord requires a deposit, you`ll need to specify the amount and how it will be returned to you at the end of the lease.

9. The seventh section is “Maintenance and Repairs”. This section outlines the responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant when it comes to repairs and maintenance of the unit.

10. The final section is “Additional Terms”. Here, you can include any additional terms or conditions of the lease that you and your landlord agree on.

Once you`ve filled out all the required sections of the residential tenancy agreement Ontario fillable 2019 form, make sure to review it for accuracy and completeness. Both you and your landlord should sign and date the document to make it legally binding.

In conclusion, filling out a residential tenancy agreement in Ontario is an important part of renting a property. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you`re completing the document accurately and in compliance with the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act. Make sure to review the agreement carefully before signing to ensure that you understand all the terms and conditions of your lease agreement.